“For with God nothing shall be impossible.”
Luke 1:37
For speaking engagements or questions contact:
B. Scott Gallie, Sr. (Brian S. Gallie),
K.C. Kennedy (Jill Gallie), or Nathan Nelson (Bell) at

Books may be purchased online at or most any online or local book store. We look forward to hearing from you!
Circle Of Conviction
by B. Scott Gallie, Sr.

Thy Will Be Done
by K. C. Kennedy

Did you ever wonder what life is really like in prison?
Or how the legal system operates to put someone there?
Do prison guards carry weapons? If not, why not?
Are conditions really that bad in prison?
How does an inmate get out on parole in Pennsylvania?
Is there any rehabilitation going on in prison?
If so, why do many inmates continue to return to prison after leaving on parole?
In most cases, do we really have a choice as to whether we end up in prison or not?
If you are not sure or are undecided on the answers to most or all of these and many other questions about prison and prisoners, you need to read this book. Hopefully it will satisfy your curiosity on the subject, and make you think twice about how people end up living there. For those who do live there or have in the past, hopefully it will serve as a reference point and an eye opener. The facts, statistics. stories, and information in the book were carefully researched and written from inside Pennsylvania's largest maximum-security prison.
Imagine being with hostages for a week in a maximum security prison. The suspense never ends!

Watch for our next book,
House of Tumult, Fortress of Fear.
Should we execute more people on Death Row or
should the death penalty be eliminarted all together?
Recommended Companion book
Read this captivating account, based upon a true story of Nathan Nelson, trapped in a life and death struggle against the social injustices of a system bent on his extermination
Prison Stories From the Inside Out: A Closer Look Behind These Walls
Nathan Speaking at Temple University
SCI-Graterford Prison Tower
Hallway at Old Eastern Prison
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